17.3 million Americans suffer from depression.
Medical definition:
“A mental health disorder characterized by persistent depressed mood or loss of interested in activities causing significant impairment in daily life”
How is it diagnosed?
Two weeks of depressed mood, loss of interest, problems with sleep, eating, energy, concentration or self-worth.
How is it traditionally treated?
Antidepressants-the second most commonly prescribed medication in the US.
Most antidepressants are prescribed by primary care physicians with limited training with mental disorders and are not psychiatrists.
Why was depression being treated with a medication that treats chemical imbalances but causes side effects without first looking into the lifestyle of the patient?
Perhaps depression could be onset by unhealthy environments, nutrition, hormones, stress or lack of movement.
One holistic approach I started digging deeper into was exercise and its antidepressant abilities.
There is undoubtedly a stark inverse relationship between inactivity and depression among us humans, but why?

Exercise causes a cascade of biological events that results in numerous health benefits. Exercise releases endorphins within our system, which many call a “runners high.” But the long term benefits to exercise are much more important. The proteins released cause growth factors and make new cell connections in the brain. This improvement can help make people feel better. The results of long term exercise are even noted in the structures of the brain, particularly the hippocampus which helps relieve depression.
Exercise is one of many holistic approaches to treating depression. Other methods include meditation, breathing exercises, diet, elimination of substance use, treating nutritional deficiencies, correction of hormones, and lifestyle modification.
By reverting back to the causations of disease rather than treating the symptoms, we take back our bodies and allow ourselves to live freely and fully. Physically, mentally, and spiritually.
But building a personalized plan to holistically combate depression can be challenging, especially if you are suffering from the effects.
Nurse coaches are uniquely designed to do the hard work for you.
Nurse health and wellness coaches are rapidly building in numbers as bedside nurses are tired of using the bandaid approach to health. We are demanding more for our patients, and want to systemically reform healthcare.
Depression is just one of many common diagnoses that can often be fixed with lifestyle modifications.
To learn more about what you can do to take back control of your health book a free, no obligation session. Lets get your health back.